What happens to my report?

Your report will become a part of a databank that will help the community in several ways.

For instance, this network can look at where incidents are primarily happening, when they are happening, to whom they are happening, and work as a team to provide those people affected with better support or community protection.

As well, the network can provide education to perpetrators and seek to change attitudes toward race.

If requested, your report is used to provide services to you, such as counselling, support for justice, safety, and access to mediation processes.

If appropriate, your report will be made known to policing authorities so they can take action against incidents that fall under the criminal code.

What is this reporting portal for?

  • Reporting incidents where there is evidence of race or hate as fuel for the situation.
  • Gathering data to determine where and when help is needed most.
  • Gathering proof and stories to educate the community about these incidents and the impact they have on victims and witnesses.
  • Getting support to those who experience and witness these incidents to reduce the impact of trauma.

Who can use this portal?

Any resident of the ACRD who is:

  • A victim of a race or hate fueled incident
  • A bystander or witness to a race or hate fueled incident

What if I make a report and I don’t live in Port Alberni or the ACRD?

We will forward your report to the Resilience BC Member Spoke for your community so that they can make the appropriate response to your needs.

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